Friday, 12 February 2016

Goals & Rewards

When I speak to family and friends about how they treat themselves, I have noticed a very unsurprising trend. We all treat ourselves with food and/or drink. This doesn't surprise any of you I'm sure and didn't surprise me. We are slaves to what we want and fancy, therefore anytime we think we have done something that deserves a treat, that is what we lean on: Chocolate / Wine / Pizza / Crisps / Etc / Etc.

I have also noticed that from personal experience and from speaking to others, that we also think we deserve a reward all the time; for getting up, for going to work, for getting to lunch time, end of day, through the traffic.   Treat : Treat : Treat

We need to try and understand the good behaviour and reward systems that we, individually work best with. You do not deserve a treat, for every single little piece of life that you get through, those treats become nothing, they become habit and they no longer give you that good feeling that you used to get, when they were in fact occasional treats.

Looking at this through the lens of trying to lose weight, which I know so many of you reading this, are trying to do. We need to find goals first and then establish non food related rewards, which make you feel like you have achieved something, which you will have done if you reach that goal.


I'm sure we have all heard of setting yourself SMART goals, well this is because that is the best way of setting goals, however I like to look at it in a slightly different way, rather than going through each letter and assigning things to them.

a) What is your overall goal (lose 2 stone)
b) What is a 'healthy' timescale to achieve that (1lb a week)
c) Therefore, how long will it take to get to that goal (28 weeks/7 months)

I would also very much recommend, having non weight related goals. Maybe reduce waist size by 4 inches, for example would be a great goal to have.

Once you have this overall goal, you can then set yourself interim goals, times in the next 7 months, where you can celebrate your progress towards your overall goal. Some would say, getting there would feel good enough, I don't need other goals or rewards, as feeling better will be a reward in itself. Yes this is true, but you can sometimes in-counter times when you can't feel/see the health benefits or results right away and therefore, get disheartened.

So, I would recommend have a reward every 4-6 weeks, on route to that overall goal which you will achieve in 7 months. To make it nice points to celebrate yourself and also for help pay day wise!


You have your overall goal, date you can healthily achieve that and your interim goals to get you to that overall goal. Now to set the rewards for the interim and overall goal. When I was thinking about this myself, I thought about the big end result first, what is a big thing I could buy/organise which would really mean something to me. Yes losing weight should be a good enough reward and trust me it is, but why not give yourself something else to look forward to as well!!

REMEMBER - DO NOT SET FOOD RELATED REWARDS!!!!! Your body and mind deserve not to be treated with the stuff that actually makes you feel and look like you don't want in the first place!

1. Set your overall goal reward
2. Set your interim goal rewards

I did this by making a list of non food related rewards:

- Massage
- Cinema Trip
- Flowers
- Spa Day
- Clothes
- Trainers
- Shoes
- Etc

There are loads of lists online, use them and take the ones you like. Then assign the biggest ones at the end of your journey, the not so big ones at the start of your journey.


Here is an example of a goals/rewards list.

I saw an amazing idea online the other day, to try and inspire/motivate you through your journey to your goal. It is a weight lose money jar, a jar set aside at home, and every time you lost a pound, you put a pound in the jar. The money can go toward your overall reward, or anything you want! Some people put more money in, to put the stakes up, but I love this idea either way, just put in what you can afford...

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, 1 February 2016

Dieting Know How

There is a lot of information out there about diets and dieting. Working out which one for you, is a minefield. Not only are there lots of facts and fiction out on the internet, but there are also a lot of old wives tales, Chinese whispers, 'my friend did this and it worked'!!

In my opinion, there is not a one sized, fits all diet (I also believe that in clothing as well!).

Diet A will not be good and work for all people.

Our bodies are complex machines, which work really well, when given the right food & water, plus exercised regularly. But our bodies are so clever, that whatever we throw at them, they will try their best to adapt and carry on. Without us realising that this impacts how we feel, as quite often it is gradually done over time.

Meal Frequency

Here are some common miss-conceptions around meal frequency when on a diet or when trying to eat healthily and lose weight:

- Skipping Breakfast will help you lost weight!
- Skipping Breakfast will make you fat!
- Eating frequently can boost your metabolism!
- Fasting puts the body in starvation mode!
- Eating carbs after 6pm will make you fat!

Here's the truth: Your body doesn't say how many meals a day you should have and when you should have them. Your body works on an amount of calories a day, for your entire day of activities (work, gym, watching telly, sleeping, etc). This amount of calories will keep you at your current weight (maintenance calories). If you increase or decrease your daily activity then your weight will change.

If your body is maintained on 2,000 calories a day, you need to consume this to stay at your current weight. But your body doesn't work better, if you split that 2,000 equally throughout the day, six times for example: eating 333 calories six times a day. Diets that tell you as such, are not very flexible and very hard to fit into your life, who can say yep I'll can eat every 3 hours and consume only 333 calories...!

When looking at changing the way you eat (healthy), look at your lifestyle first, what can you do and what can't you do. We are all different, some of us are morning people, some of us are afternoon people and some are evening people - in some way connected to healthy eating, but more to prove we are all different on this blog.

When looking at your lifestyle, think about an average day, we all have to eat, so at the moment when do you eat? Why do you eat at that time specifically? Is it because the kids have gone to school and you have two minutes before heading to work and is the first time you can eat that day? When you have done this, look at what you eat at those times.

Plan it out on a page: Activities throughout the day, with times, when you eat and what you eat at those times:

8.30 - walk kids to school
9.15 - eat 2 breakfast biscuits with coffee
9.30 - drive to work

This will give you an average look at your day, but focus in on (highlight even) the eating sections. A pattern or structure will emerge, so that you can then alter or change the food you are eating, to fit a new healthy eating plan. Or make sure that you plan your meals, especially when you know you don't have much time, prepare your food ahead of time. It can feel like a hassle at times, but is totally worth it in the long run. Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail.


For more help and advice on nutrition, get in touch:

Thanks for reading :)

Getting Back to Reality: Severe Depression

Some of you will have noticed, that I have been a bit absent from writing my blog. In fact I haven't written on here since July 2015. This is for a mixture of different reasons, however the main one is that in 2015 I suffered with Severe Depression. I didn't realise that it had taken hold of me, until I was too late, but I would say I was suffering since March 2015 at the earliest.

Many people have asked me the reasons for my depression, but this time there was no ONE trigger. It was a mixture of different factors:

- Stress at work
- Stress outside work
- Working two jobs
- Fitness targets not going to plan, because of above stress
- Etc
- Etc

During my depression, I did do a bit of writing, just brief bits, but I want to be clear and honest about how I felt and this is the best way to do it:

'Life is meant to come easy! Life is meant to be yours, I don't feel in control'

'Binging on food and wine is what I do, making excuses for myself, telling myself 'It's Normal', everyone enjoys a glass or two at night......every night....??? To relax.....??? To stop you thinking.....??? To stop you hating yourself.....???'

'My heart is beating so fast, as I speed toward London Liverpool Street, it almost feels like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. I feel sick, headachy and as if at any minute I could cry.

2 months off work, with Severe Depression. Little to no sleep. Anxiety levels through the roof. It is no wonder I'm feeling like the above. It's not the unprofessional perception I want to portray, but it is how I feel.

I feel like a tiny little animal, scared, frightened and not sure what to do. I want to run back home and dive under the covers in bed, stay there for the next month.

Now I'm shaking, I can barely write this. This doesn't feel like me, I'm confident, strong and happy.... I feel like they have abandoned me. I'm on my own and lonely without them.

People with depression often feel alone and lonely. They can feel like this with close family and friends all around them and supporting them. It isn't an alone/lonely lack of human companionship for me. For me it is my strength, confidence and happiness that are gone... And I can't find it - I don't know how to find it.'

'The over eating has got to stop. Now and since it started there hasn't been an excuse. I've been depressed and I have been sabotaging a lot of my hard work to lose 5 stone! It breaks my heart, that all that determination and strength I worked so hard to obtain and sustain has fallen by the wayside to this disease!'

This was where my brain was, now I'm in a much better place. I took the time off work needed to recover and get myself in a better place. I took the medication that the doctors told me to take. I went to counselling sessions and did everything they told me to do.

Now I'm positive, I've drawn a line under last year and started a fresh this year.


More blogs to come, got lots to write about :)

Thank for reading