Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Right Diet for You

I watched  a programme recently on the BBC called 'The Right Diet for You', supposedly the experts in diet and nutrition had come together to test and establish the best diets for individuals.

The majority of the programme was defined by putting people into 3 groups, 'constant cravers', 'feasters' and 'emotional eaters'. At this point I realised that they weren't actually doing individual diets for people. Yes they figured a pattern out for people, with regards to why they eat the way they do, but we don't all fit into one of these groups. Personally I think I fit into all of them at some point during year...!

Picking the right diet for you, is really really really tricky. Trust me I have tried most of the diets out there, most of them cookie cutter diets that people follow and think because it worked for some people it could work for me!

We can all agree, that we are all individual, we aren't all the same - if we all tried on the same t-shirt, we would not look the same and actually some wouldn't even bother trying on the t-shirt, because they know it wouldn't suit them. So in my head, why do we do that with diets....? In fact with diets, shouldn't it be even more individually than what we wear!?

How your body reacts to food is completely different from the person next to you. You need to have a diet that you follow, it may be similar to someone else's, but it can't and shouldn't be the same. I follow a flexible eating dieting, which is specifically programmed for me and what I am personally trying to do - if I gave you my diet and told you to follow it, I guarantee that you wouldn't see the same results that I do.

In the UK there are 11 million people on a diet, 80% of which fail........speaks for itself.

Often people say that they couldn't do what I do, they aren't me and there isn't any way they could do it. I agree it takes a lot to train as much as I do at the gym, 6 times a week is a struggle and I have to dig deep to get there. But and that is a big BUT, that doesn't mean that you can't do something similar to me diet wise. The way my diet is devised is worked out on the activities that I do, so if I wasn't do any training, then my diet would be changed/adjusted to reflect this.

I know that what I have achieved is immense, but I truly believe that if you put your mind to it, you can do it!!

This Week Results

So this week, results time - I have plugged this weeks figures into my table (below)...

8th Jan 17th Jan 24th Jan
Weight 70.5 70.5 70
Body Fat % 23.85 23.62 21.94
Body Fat KG 16.8 16.6 15.35
Lean LG 53.7 53.8 54.7

I am really happy with this weeks results, when I weighed myself this morning I thought, 'only 0.5kg's, pitiful results and I was really struggling to get my head round it. More than likely it is to do with my water intake. Today I'm experimenting, drinking as much water today as I possibly can, I will weigh myself tomorrow and hopefully will reflect my body fat percentage result this week.

I've dropped 1.68% of body fat, so actually I'm very happy and it is helping me focus!!!

It has been a relatively easy week, no travelling for my job, my sisters birthday meant one day I struggled a tad, but all in all, it was a normal week. Next week will be tricky, I'm travelling a lot for work, got a lot of work to do and fitting in my training is going to take some doing. So right now I'm going to look at next week, what I'm going to eat each day and when & what I'm going to train and when :)

Thanks for reading, please share with your friends and families, any questions please let me know :)




  1. Well done for doing so well. I think you're missing the mark with the programme and being a little unfair. The programme focused on just three types if personalities as it would be impossible to look at more to make good TV. It was backed up by new science that rather than thinking failing at dieting was due to lack of willpower, (theoretically) it was actually due to hormones, genes and psychology. It basically means that one size doesn't fit all and that diets should be tailored to their individual needs. It's still early days for science of personalised diets, but it's interesting stuff and the potential is huge moving forward.

    1. Thank you Sarah for your comment. I don't think I missed the point and agree with everything you say. It is a huge step forward and I hope people watched it and realised that one size does not feel all.

      But I took the test they suggested out of curiosity and wasn't convinced by the results. I watched the programme very carefully and believe that all those types of eaters exist. My point was simply, that it needs to go further and people need to realise that even doing the diets they tested could result in failure.

      Someone's diet is very individual and that should not be under-estimated at all.

      But thank you for your thoughts, I will ensure I'm clearer next time.

      Thank you

  2. I'm sure you will be :) I'm sorry if you thought I was correcting you. Failure is possible in everything you do in the life, but it's an important step on the road to success. As I said, this was based on new science that is making progress in tailoring diets to individual needs and I'm sure it will go further, but we have to be patient as it's still very early days. It's all very encouraging though. Good luck with it all.
