Saturday, 17 January 2015

She Believed She Could and So She Did

It is 2015, most people are thinking about (or already decided), what they are going to try and achieve this year. Often goals aren't fully thought through, aren't measurable, unachievable and not with reliable timescales. 

People refer to SMART when setting their goals, I must admit I don't do that myself and mostly just look at what I want to achieve, when and how. But for me writing them down is the best thing to do, it somehow in my brain solidifies the goal, makes it more real.

Christmas Aftermath

It has been 3 weeks since Christmas Day as I write this (15th Jan), I weighed myself on Sat 3rd Jan to see what damage I had done over the Christmas period. I had relaxed over Christmas, been a bit more human (so to speak) and ate nearly constantly on high fats and high carb foods, I also replaced water with alcohol. I put on 3kg, which suffice to say I struggled to get my head round this, but I had to draw a line under it. I clearly needed it and I'm actually feeling more motivated now to achieve my next goals.

I decided the best thing to do, was to focus initially on the first week and getting a good start to the year, to prove that Christmas was a blip and not going to continue.

Getting back to this first week was tough, but I was so determined, I really wanted to get back to losing weight, as I was sure improving my water intake alone would get me back on track. So I really pushed myself, going back to the foods I know help me lose fat, but mainly drank so much water - which yes had the not so nice after effect of seeing my bathroom more often! Here are my first three weekly results since the New Year:


3rd Jan8th Jan17th Jan
Body Fat %24.323.8523.62
Body Fat KG17.716.816.6
Lean LG55.353.753.8

So pleased with my results so far, I'm not so please with this weeks, but that is due to being away for work, restricting my ability to stick rigidly to my macros. Although doing flexible dieting certainly helped massively.

My personal trainer and I have agreed to put me on a 12 week cutting programme - we will reduce my macros for 12 week, adjusting it each week depending on my results. I will then have a 3 week 'break', where we bring my foods up, to maintain my metabolism. Along side this my training programme is harder than I've had in a long time, if not the hardest I have had to date. The two combined are and will push my body and brain to the limits!!

Because of this programme I have decided to enter myself in Body Power Transformation Challenge, to solidify my goals and enforce what I'm working towards :) It is not about winning the competition at all, for me it is literally the taking part and see how much I can push myself.

Getting Back to Work

I just wanted to talk briefly about the last 2 weeks. Safe to say I have struggled with my energy levels on the floor to say the least. I was worried, especially on Saturday last week when I slept hard and worked feeling even more tried. But I needed to get real, this is what I did in the last two weeks (all in one go), after 2 weeks of no work, reduced training and eating no foods which fuel my body correctly.
  • Back to work at LBG, full time (and more hours to catch up following the holidays and project gaining speed).
  • 16 hours working at the gym; as part of my Personal Trainer course
  • Back to eating against my macros, and actually having a reduction in macros as start of the cut.
  • 2 Personal Training sessions and 4 other days of training
  • Week of anti-biotics to try and kill an infection
When I write it down like that, no wonder I was shattered. I still am, but my body needs time to adjust back and adjust to the harder training programme I am on. Plus being ill and needing anti-biotics is not helping. I considered having a day or two off sick, but refused, my body and head need to get used to this, my training is only going to get harder.

My brain needs to keep telling my body to keep going and push harder and harder, I'm very determined this year and I will commit to keeping my blog up dated with my progress each week.

This made me think about how, a lot of people will be rushing to the gym after Christmas, to shed the weight they put on, or to start a new years resolution. I've been training for over a year and I have struggled to get back into it, so I can remember back to starting a new years resolution, when I was big and wanted to lose weight.

Heading to the gym is fine, committing yourself to going every day or the week, will ultimately lead to failure (if you haven't done it before). Your body is not used to it and over Christmas has been made worse, by lack of movement and eating lots. Therefore, I can only recommend that you take it slow, I started my journey in July 2013, by doing one training session a week and wasn't focusing on my food.

One Step at a Time!! Let your body adjust and then increase your gym sessions or try and look at your eating. Don't do everything at once.

Hope you are having a great start to the year, get in touch if you have any questions, by commenting on here, tweet my @Berry1284 or Instagram: Gym_Berry.

Please shared with your family and friend, plus follow me to receive my new blogs.

Thanks for Reading

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